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Having both an outercoat and an undercoat, German Shepherds have a lot of hair they need to get rid of, and they do this year round, no matter the season. While a healthy diet can help with your german shepherds shedding patterns, you should be aware that shed maintenance comes down to properGerman Shepherd grooming practices. That’s why you ought to be equipped with the best German Shepherd brush, the King Komb! ProperGerman Shepherd grooming comes down to brushing your dog daily. When you brush your dog, you don’t want to do so rigorously or aggressively, even if it seems that is the best way to get all their excess hair out. That will cause their hair follicles to break, making it more likely for unnecessary shedding to happen. What you want to do is brush your dog gently, especially during their peak shedding season, which, for German Shepherds, happens during the summer, when they need to rid themselves of their double coat to keep from overheating. The King Komb is the perfect tool forGerman Shepherd grooming. This German Shepherd comb has 51 perfectly sized rubberized bristles to remove excess hair and allergy triggering dander, which will keep your dog’s coat clean and smooth. The King Komb dog brush has an ergonomic design, making it comfortable for both your and your dog’s use, has self-cleaning retractable shedding edges, and rubber bristles which provide the perfect amount of dermal stimulation for your dog helping making it the best brush for your german shepherd. Its inventive design can clear out excess hair from both the undercoat and topcoat, reduces allergenic dander, keeps your german shepherd’s shedding to a minimum, and is soft enough so that your dog’s skin will never be bruised or cut. You can use the King Komb for a dry brush in the morning, or you can use it while shampooing or oiling your dog’s coat withessential or topical oils. It’s that multifaceted! The King Komb is different from every other dog comb on the market. Designed by dog-owners andGerman Shepherd grooming experts, this brush is made to last, so you can keep your dog’s coat fresh and clean year after year. We’re so confident that you will enjoy this dog brush that we’re willing to guarantee a full refund if it doesn’t meet your expectations within thirty days of purchase. See what your German Shepherd thinks of this brush. It’s common knowledge that dogs like to be brushed, but without using thebest German Shepherd brush, it’s hard to know just how much they can really enjoy it. Our customer support team is available around the clock to help you with your purchase. Whether you’re a current owner of the King Komb or are a new customer looking for information on which product will be best for you, reach out and let us help you. All emails and messages will be replied to within 24 hours. Say goodbye to all that fur! The ALL NEW Self-Cleaning Retraction Action KING KOMB™ is the Ultimate Grooming and shedding brush for medium to large sized dogs and horses. It's as easy as Komb, Retract & Klean. WORKS ON ALL BREEDS. 51 perfectly sized rubberized bristles to remove allergy triggering dander, keeping your pets coat silky smooth. Every Pet breed sheds differently and, since not all pets are created equal, it is always best to find a brushing motion that works best for your furry friend. The King Komb was designed to brush both lightly and more aggressively on the pet's fur. We recommend you start with a slow back and forth motion then gradually start to brush harder as your pet gets acclimated to the Komb. We truly believe in the best customer support, we will do whatever it takes to make sure you have a positive purchasing experiences. All emails & phone calls are answered within 24 hours. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund on the purchase price within 30 days. We will gladly exchange or refund. Feel free to read the comments from all our happy customers below! For FAQ's Click HERE
German Shepherd Brush & Grooming Tips
See The Komb In Action:
The Best Brush For German Shepherds
German Shepherd Shedding - Solution Made Easy
German Shepherd Brushing That Lasts
Get in touch for more German Shepherd grooming advice
Check out ourdog brush reviews from happy customers and become a King Komb owner today!The Ultimate Grooming and DeShedding Tool For German Shepherds
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