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King Kanine’s King Klean shampoo for dogs is formulated with your pet's wellness in mind to make your dog look and feel their best. This all-natural shampoo rinses off easily leaving your dog smelling clean and his coat feeling incredibly soft. Our shampoo for dogs is made with only six organic ingredients: coconut oil, jojoba oil, lemongrass, aloe vera, olive oil, and rosemary oil. By using only natural and organic ingredients, we are able to provide a dog shampoo that is hypoallergenic, eco-friendly, and non-toxic. Like the rest of our products, this natural dog shampoo is made with carefully selected ingredients to improve how your dog looks and feels. All our products have been formulated by professionals, with years of experience in the industry, with your pets in mind. Most importantly, each bottle of King Kanine for pets has been tested by independent labs to ensure quality, purity, and safety. Ingredients: Coconut oil, jojoba oil, lemongrass, aloe vera, rosemary oil Directions: Using warm water, wet your pet thoroughly. Apply King Klean shampoo and work into a lather gently massaging deep into the coat and skin. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Let’s face it... your pet’s bed gets stinky from time to time. Our new pet bed deodorizer has been specially formulated to eliminate the unpleasant odors pets can leave behind on their beds and other fabrics like furniture and auto upholstery. This dog bed odor spray is designed to kill 99% of the bacteria that causes those unwanted smells by penetrating deep into fabric fibers, ensuring foul smells are eliminated at the source, not just masked. With the natural scent of lemongrass, our King Klean pet bedding spray is guaranteed to leave your home and car smelling fresh and clean. Most importantly, our formula is completely eco-friendly and alcohol-free, so it is 100% safe for the furry members of your family. Like the rest of King Kanine products, our King Klean line of deodorizing sprays is manufactured in our FDA registered facility. All products are cruelty-free and tested for quality and safety by independent laboratories. Directions for Use: Shake well. Spray on the area you want to freshen up. Repeat as needed. Safe for all pets. Avoid contact with eyes. Ingredients: Benzyldimethyl, ammonium chloride, Water & Tmaz 20, Vitamin E, Natural Lemongrass Fragrance Our natural pet deodorizing spray offers our signature lemongrass fragrance you and your dog will love. Professionally formulated to kill bacteria and germs that cause malodors, this new pet odor eliminator spray is the perfect way to keep your pets feeling fresh and clean between baths. Aloe vera and our signature lemongrass fragrance are gentle on your pet leaving your pet’s coat smelling great and feeling silky smooth. Our formula is completely eco-friendly and alcohol-free, so it is 100% safe for the furry members of your family. Like the rest of King Kanine products, our King Klean Bath Spray is manufactured in our FDA registered facility. All products are cruelty-free and tested for quality and safety by independent laboratories. Directions for Use: Shake well. Spray on pet’s coat and rub in. No need to rinse off. Use as necessary to keep your pet smelling fresh and clean between baths. Avoid contact with eyes. Ingredients: Benzalkonium chloride, triethylene glycol, water and propylene glycol, T-maz 20, vitamin E, aloe vera, and lemongrass fragrance Our all-new, patented, non-toxic, foaming paw cleaner formulated to kill 99.9% of all bacteria and germs that our pets carry around on a daily basis. Our pet paw cleaner softens paws as it kills ringworm & roundworm (post-larval state). Additionally, it can prevent the passing of these potentially harmful parasites and other toxic bacteria to you, your family, and other pets. Handy travel size. Don't leave home without it! Log in to King Johnnie Casino Australia to access top-tier casino games, secure deposits, and incredible bonuses. Díky mobilní aplikaci Mostbet můžete mít přístup ke svým oblíbeným kasinovým hrám a sázkám kdekoliv a kdykoliv – mostbet casino vám přináší maximální pohodlí a zábavu.
King Klean Dog Deshedding Shampoo
Why Choose King Kanine Dog Shampoo
King Klean Pet Bed Spray
King Klean In-Between Bath Spray
Klean Paws
Active Ingredient - Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC), Triethylene Glycol
Avoid contact with eyes