Dog tear stains are a recurring problem for many dog owners, and the issue is more than just aesthetic. If you have ever owned or known a dog with a white coat, you have probably seen how glaring these stains can become. Many people mistakenly think that a dog with tear stains is especially sad, and that curing the condition comes down to socializing more with the dog and giving him or her more playtime. In actuality, dog tear stains can be caused by a number of different ailments, some common and easily treatable and others potentially serious. To find out the reason your dog is suffering from these stains under their eyes, the best thing to do is consult a trusted veterinarian.
Dog tear stains are visible due to a reddish pigment in tears called porphyrin. These stains become apparent on a dog’s face because of their inability to properly drain tears. Epiphora is the name of the condition that causes these stains to appear recurrently on under a dog’s eyes. Below are the likeliest causes of epiphora, as well as information on how to remove tear stains on dogs.
Dogs produce tears to drain irritants from the tear duct. During this process, a number of issues can form, such as:
Glaucoma: caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye which eventually damages the optic nerve, potentially causing blindness.
Conjunctivitis: the buildup of bacteria, viruses, parasites, or any number of irritants within the eye, including household products like soap or shampoo
Irritants: substances like smoke, dust or allergens can cause a chemical process by which the tear duct produces more tears than is natural
Teething: for many young dogs whose teeth are beginning to grow in, the pain involved or even a possible infection can cause an increased flow of tears
Infection: An infection in the eye and even ear can be responsible for causing an increased flow of tears. For an ear infection, this buildup often happens on the same side as the infected ear.
Shallow eye sockets: this is more common in dogs with shorter snouts. During this condition, the eyes tend to bulge, causing increased production of tears in the ducts of the eyes
Irregularly sized glands: enlarged tear glands or especially small tear glands can be responsible for an increased flow of tears in a dog
Poor diet and exercise regiment: a dog who is begin fed unhealthy food and who doesn’t get a daily regimen of exercise is more likely to experience health issues such as recurring tear stains.
Allergies: dogs who experience seasonal allergies or allergic reactions to toxins within the household or neighborhood are likely to have irritated tear ducts, causing more tears to form and pigment to stain their faces.
While dogs with lighter fur are likely to have epiphora which is readily visible by their owners, dogs with darker fur also suffer from the condition, and need to be monitored by their families so that the issue does not go untreated. Breeds which are well-known to suffer from epiphora include poodles and cocker spaniels, as well as malteses, pugs, and shih-tzus.
When the cause of epiphora is irritation or a buildup of dust or dirt in the tear duct, simply washing the dog’s face is likely enough to fix the problem. If that is the case, dog owners should acknowledge that something within their own homes caused the issue, and should be diligent in cleaning up and clearing the dogs’ environment of potential irritants.
When there is an infection which is causing epiphora, dog owners should contact their trusted veterinarians and follow their proper medical counsel. Drops or antibiotics are often prescribed to treat dog tear stains. If allergies are causing the stains to develop, antihistamines or an altered diet can do the trick.
For cases in which tear stains originate with poor diet or exercise, dog owners will be recommended to change the lifestyle of their animal. Talking to dog experts or veterinarians about the best and healthiest food available, as well as bringing one’s dog to the park more frequently, are both solid answers for those wondering how to remove dog tear stains naturally.
Purchasing an all-natural, toxin-free shampoo and fur cleaner is a great option for cleaning tear stains in a healthy way. Of course, you should be wary of purchasing just any product. Many companies advertise the natural makeup of their products, but only few deliver.
Providing filtered water to your dog and also including a regimen of apple cider vinegar is also a popular and side-effect free treatment plan for dogs who have these stains recurrently. Substances to avoid include hydrogen peroxide, topical vinegar, and any standard cosmetic makeup remover.
For more information on how to remove tear stains on dogs,contact King Komb, the best pet health and hygiene business on the web. Our team is made up of dog experts and lovers alike, and we’ll be happy to speak with you about your pets today.
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